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Healthful solutions for mind, body and soul

Mindful Blogs

Creating positive thought patterns and mindset

Hi I'm Anita, Master Reiki teacher, nutritionist and promoter of wellbeing

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Strategies and techniques to help you create a positive mind set and thought patterns.

Hi all...I'm Anita, I teach Reiki and nutrition and personal development. I teach people how to lead full productive life's in full health and happiness. Even a small shift in mindset can make all the difference to your day. Your mind is your most powerful tool, what we think and how we think can impact our lives dramatically. I would like to help you make small changes to improve your mindset, small changes make a big difference. Lets start with a simple way to start the day, with light positive thought patterns that will help you start your day with light and a spring in your step

Anita Lee Wellbeing-Creating positive thought patterns and mindse

Lets start the day with light thoughts and positive affirmations.

Do you wake up worrying? Do you start your day with a long list of jobs that need doing? is reaching for your phone or tablet the first thing you do in the morning? Its not the best way to start your day, bombarding yourself with negative patterns and energy.

Lets change that around and get you feeling better

When you wake up, before you do anything else, lie in bed with your eyes closed, takes a few deep breaths and focus your mind on your third eye (just between your eyebrows) center yourself here for a moment and breath, and say to yourself "everything I need today will come to me" "I trust the universe to provide for me, I am loved, I am safe"

Say these affirmations a few times to yourself (or out loud)

Focusing your intentions to a higher point in our psyche lifts your vibration and helps keep our thoughts light

If you have worries about money, start with an affirmation like;

"I will always have more than enough money"

If you don't feel confident or feel you have lost your power say;

"I am strong and confident, I own my power"

If you are anxious you could say;

" I am calm, I am in control"


The language we use internally or externally is very important and can make a difference to everything. That's why affirmations work. If you talk about having no money, you will attract no money. An affirmation is a positive statement, a definite. There is no maybe or might be. Don't think about whether you think it might be possible, just affirm it. The law of attraction states that you will manifest what you focus on. So if you spend your days wallowing in having no money or having no friends, you will attract just that. Lets switch our thoughts around and affirm something positive;

"I am loved and supported".

Lets keep it going

Once you've tried this simple exercise you'll see a difference straight away, even if you just decide you're going to have a nice day, that energy is very powerful.

You have control of your mind, take action to lighten up and live in positive energy. With small positive changes to your mind set you can achieve great things .

Let me know how you get on and feel free to contact me if you need more help. This is a massive subject that we're just touching the surface of. Feel free to subscribe and receive more guidance and teaching and news of upcoming events and classes.

Love and light


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