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Anita Lee- Master Reiki teacher, nutritionist and musician

Healthful solutions for mind, body and soul


Anita Lee- Master Reiki teacher, nutritionist and musician

My personal and spiritual development is of the utmost importance to me and has enabled me to live a fulfilling and meaningful life and Reiki has been a fundamental part of that process.


I do all I can to help others do the same whether it's giving a Reiki treatment or teaching them how to use the energy for themselves, teaching Reiki as a personal development tool to help people lighten their lives and lead the fulfilling, meaningful lives they dream of.


I am also qualified in nutrition and NLP which gives me a wide variety of skills and knowledge to provide a well being package  for all.

I teach Reiki from 1st degree to masters level and beyond and hold full insurance. I run classes as regular as I can using and teaching Reiki as a personal development tool, and it is a most inspiring tool to use.


Being trained in NLP and nutrition, gives me the option to use these tools in my teaching also. My aim is to provide a wellbeing package for each individual at whatever level they require.

Reiki for me and for many has become a way of life and of being. By using Reiki as a tool for personal and spiritual development the individual can learn how to take control back to the true ‘self’ and live a full and happy existence.


My personal and spiritual development has become my life’s work. It has been a fascinating journey so far and I’m eager to see where else it takes me.



Anita Lee, Master Reiki Teacher, BSYA (Nutri) sci.App, MASC (N.L.P) BSYA (S.N)

0161 6205658    124 Horsedge st, Oldham, OL1 3EF

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